Montag, 19. Oktober 2009

Nissan Leaf

Artikel von David Welch - April 08, 2009 in der BusinessWeek:

"Introducing the Nissan Leaf Electric Vehicle"

- der Presse vorgestellt am 2. August 09
- Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn ... is betting that the Leaf and other EVs, will quickly become mass market hits, and even suggeste
- followed by a short video featuring an assortment of school-children explaining how good the Leaf is for all our futures. One youngster, presumably of his own free will, even compared the Leaf to an angel coming down to Earth. (einfache Erklärung "ist gut für die Umwelt", durch Kinder erzeugt Vertrauen in die Technologie, Kommunikation von Nachhaltigkeit und umweltbewusstes Handeln, Storytelling "ein Engel, der auf die Erde kommt")
- which runs a 100 miles on a single charge
- excluding the cost of the batteries, will cost no more to buy and run than a traditional gasoline-powered car-
- charging time is seven hours, although a 30-minute quick charge can get batteries back up to 80% of full power
- key to its success will be bringing down the cost of the batteries, which currently cost around $10,000 per car to make
- Nissan plans to lease the batteries to customers (BetterPlace)
- Charging time is seven hours, although a 30-minute quick charge can get batteries back up to 80% of full power.
- Mass production should help (to decreas the costs)


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